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celebrating mother’s birthday
五女拜寿  detail>>
a birthday
一个生日蛋糕  detail>>
生日,诞辰,成立纪念日 (a birth day book 生日登记簿。 keep [observe] a birth 过生日。 a birth day gift 生日礼品)。  detail>>
for birthday
火与冰  detail>>
celebrating rich harvest
庆丰收  detail>>
celebrating success in rural canada
庆祝加拿大农村的胜利  detail>>
celebrating the childrens day
庆祝六一  detail>>
song of celebrating success
庆功曲  detail>>
a mother
一位母亲  detail>>
a mother-to-be
未来的母亲  detail>>
be a mother
为人之母  detail>>
for mother
羯磨波罗蜜  detail>>
 n.  1.母,母亲;〔常无冠词,M-〕(家人间称谓时)妈妈。 2.母,本源,根由。 3.老伯母,老大娘,老太太〔称呼年长女人时代替 Mrs. 用,...  detail>>
mother the
马瑟火山  detail>>
准妈妈  detail>>
the mother
母亲的春天  detail>>
happy birthday happy birthday
生日快乐,快乐生日  detail>>
a birthday cake
一个生日蛋糕  detail>>